Ink piling

Ink piling

Blankets too tacky. Check blanket setting and health.

a) Consult blanket manufacturer,

b) Treat blanket or change to less tacky blanket, or

c) Change blanket wash

Dry ink that has not fully transferred from the blanket to the paper can begin to build up, producing relief image.

Check blanket cylinder pressure and/or plate and blanket packing. This is caused by inadequate blanket cylinder pressure and/or plate or blanket piling

Fountain solution p/H and /or conductivity is incorrect. Raw water and fount solution suitability

Check and adjust to supplier recommendation for suitable PH value

The cylinders are packed incorrectly

Check specifications and adjust cylinders properly

Improperly set or worn rollers

Check specifications and adjust rollers; replace if necessary

Ink is waterlogged

Adjust dampener settings; consult DIC India

Ink lacks sufficient lubrication or is unstable

Consult your DIC India representative

Ink roller train surface temperatures are incorrect

Adjust roller surface temperatures to recommended values. Check roller settings.

Poorly ground ink contains coarse pigment.

Consult DIC India to rework/replace ink

For more information, please contact us.

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