ESH & Quality

QESH Policy

DIC India Limited

Quality, Environment, Safety and Health (QESH) Policy

DIC India Limited, a major producer of printing ink, is committed to continually improving the quality of our processes and products while ensuring the protection of our people and the environment.

DIC India is one of the largest companies in the Indian printing, publishing and packaging industry segment, serving top-of-the-line newspapers, magazines, packaging and printing establishments in the country.

To achieve this we are committed to:

  • Eliminate Quality non-conformances and ESH incidents.
  • Set stringent targets in the area of QESH, this drives us towards continual improvement.
  • Promote QESH awareness to ensure all the employees and contractors understand and accept that they are responsible for their own safety and that of others around them.
  • Maintain a reporting system that allows the analysis of incidents, near misses and non-conformities and disseminates recommendations to prevent reoccurrence.
  • Minimize our impact on environment through pollution prevention and reduction and recycling of waste.
  • Comply with statutory requirements as the minimum standard and commitment to go beyond and adopt stricter standards wherever appropriate.
  • Sharing of information & communication of our QESH management system and performance with the stake holders.

This Policy is applicable to all operations of DIC India Limited. Each and every employee, contractor and service provider of DIC India Limited is obliged to comply with this policy.

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